Medication Management to Promote Senior Health

As adults enter their senior years, they inevitably begin experiencing memory problems, making it hard for them to do essential things like manage their own medication. This can be dangerous as getting medicine dosages wrong can lead to their feeling unwell or requiring a trip to the emergency room.
Armed with the right knowledge and skills, the best providers of personal care in Missouri can take care of managing their clients’ medications.
At Active Angels In Home Health Care, LLC, our caregivers work with the client’s physicians to ensure quality life care and help them keep their medication regimen up-to-date. They also take care of refilling prescriptions, buying new medications, monitoring expiration dates, and more.
- Our providers of home health care in Ferguson, Missouri organize the patient’s medicines and keep track of when they are supposed to take them, to ensure they take the right medicines, in the right dosages, and at the right times each and every day.
- Our caregivers can also teach family members and other caregivers how to follow the medication routine correctly, in case they need to go on leave. Here are other helpful tips to manage your medications.
If you are looking for reliable health care in Ferguson, Missouri for your elderly relative, we are ready to serve. Call us today at 314-524-4200 or 636-255-0800 to learn more about how we can help.